7 Steps to get appointed with United Healthcare - Early Finder

7 Steps to get appointed with United Healthcare

How to get appointed with United Healthcare – United Healthcare is one of the largest healthcare insurance providers in the United States. As a result, getting appointed with United Healthcare can be a major step for healthcare providers looking to expand their patient base and increase revenue.

However, the appointment process can be complex and time-consuming. In this article, we will discuss the steps healthcare providers can take to get appointed with United Healthcare.

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Steps On How To Get Appointed With United Healthcare

Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility

Before you begin the appointment process, you need to determine whether you are eligible to become a United Healthcare provider. United Healthcare requires providers to meet certain eligibility criteria before they can be appointed. Some of the criteria include:

  • Active, unrestricted license to practice medicine in the state where you are seeking appointment
  • Board certification in your specialty
  • Professional liability insurance coverage
  • No exclusions or sanctions by government agencies or payers
  • No prior fraud or abuse convictions

If you meet these criteria, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Complete The Credentialing Application

The credentialing application is a comprehensive document that providers must complete as part of the appointment process. The application includes information about your education, training, work history, malpractice history, and more. United Healthcare uses this information to evaluate your qualifications and determine whether you meet its standards for provider participation.

The credentialing application can be completed online through United Healthcare’s website. The process typically takes several weeks to complete, so it’s important to start early and provide all required documentation.Early Finder

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Step 3: Submit Required Documentation

In addition to the credentialing application, you will need to submit various documents to United Healthcare to support your application. Some of the documents you may need to submit include:

  • Copy of your medical license
  • Copy of your board certification
  • Copy of your malpractice insurance policy
  • Copy of your DEA registration
  • CV or resume
  • Proof of hospital privileges (if applicable)

Make sure to carefully review United Healthcare’s documentation requirements and provide all requested information to avoid delays in the appointment process.

Step 4: Attend an Orientation Session

Once your credentialing application has been approved, you will need to attend an orientation session with United Healthcare. The orientation provides an overview of United Healthcare’s policies and procedures, as well as information on how to submit claims and manage your provider account.

Orientation sessions are typically held online or in person and last several hours. Make sure to attend the orientation session as soon as possible after your credentialing application has been approved to avoid delays in getting appointed.

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Step 5: Sign the Participation Agreement

After completing the orientation session, you will need to sign a participation agreement with United Healthcare. The participation agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your participation as a United Healthcare provider, including payment rates, billing requirements, and quality standards.

It’s important to review the participation agreement carefully and make sure you understand all the terms before signing. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact United Healthcare’s provider services department for assistance.

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Step 6: Complete Additional Requirements

In some cases, United Healthcare may require providers to complete additional requirements before they can be fully appointed. These requirements may include:

  • Background check
  • Drug screening
  • Health and safety training
  • Compliance training

Make sure to complete any additional requirements as soon as possible to avoid delays in the appointment process.How to get appointed with United Healthcare

Step 7: Start Seeing Patients

Once you have completed all the steps above, you are officially appointed with United Healthcare and can start seeing patients covered by the insurance plan. Make sure to follow United Healthcare’s policies and procedures for submitting claims and managing your provider account to ensure prompt payment and minimize administrative hassles.

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Getting appointed with United Healthcare can be a valuable opportunity for healthcare providers looking to expand their patient base and increase revenue. However, the appointment process can be complex and time -consuming, requiring providers to complete a credentialing application, submit documentation, attend an orientation session, sign a participation agreement, and complete any additional requirements.

To ensure a smooth appointment process, it’s important to carefully review United Healthcare’s eligibility criteria and documentation requirements, provide all requested information in a timely manner, and attend the orientation session as soon as possible after your credentialing application has been approved.

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