6 Steps to reset tp link AC1750 Extender - Early Finder

6 Steps to reset tp link AC1750 Extender

How to reset tp link ac1750 extender – Resetting a TP-Link AC1750 extender is a quick and easy process that can be done in just a few simple steps. A reset is useful when you need to restore your extender to its default settings, troubleshoot connectivity issues, or when want to change your network configurations. In this article, we will show you a step-by-step guide on how to reset the TP-Link AC1750 extender.Early Finder

Steps to Reset the TP-Link AC1750 Extender

Step 1: Locate the Reset Button

The reset button is usually located on the side or back of the TP-Link AC1750 extender. It is usually a small, recessed button that requires a paper clip or a similar tool to access.

Read Also: TP-Link AC1750 Troubleshooting: A Comprehensive Guide to Fix Common Issues

Step 2: Power On the Extender

Connect the extender to a power source and wait for it to fully boot up. This may take a few seconds.

Step 3: Press and Hold the Reset Button

Use a paper clip or a similar tool to press and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds. You should notice the power LED light start flashing, which is an indication that the reset process has begun.

6 Steps to reset tp link ac1750 extender
Source: routerctrl
reset button for the TP-Link Extender
Step 4: Release the Reset Button

After holding the reset button for about 10 seconds, release it and wait for the extender to reboot. This may take a few minutes.

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Step 5: Wait for the Reset Process to Complete

After releasing the reset button, wait for the extender to complete the reset process. During this process, the power LED light will blink rapidly for a few seconds before turning solid again. Once the power LED light turns solid, the reset process is complete, and your TP-Link AC1750 extender has been restored to its default settings.

Step 6: Reconfigure Your Extender

After resetting your TP-Link AC1750 extender, you will need to reconfigure it. This involves setting up your network preferences, such as your Wi-Fi network name and password. To do this, connect your computer or mobile device to the extender’s Wi-Fi network and follow the setup wizard.

Resetting a TP-Link AC1750 extender is a quick and easy process that can help you restore your extender to its default settings and troubleshoot any connectivity issues. By following the steps above, you can reset your TP-Link AC1750 extender in just a few minutes and have it up and running again in no time.

Read Also: TP-Link AC1750 Range Extender Review, Specs, and Price

How to reset the TP-Link extender to a new Wi-Fi

If you are looking to reset your TP-Link extender to a new Wi-Fi network, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process to reset your TP-Link extender and connect it to a new Wi-Fi network.6 Steps to reset tp link ac1750 extender

Before we begin, it’s essential to understand that resetting your TP-Link extender will erase all the existing settings and configurations. So, it’s always a good idea to back up your settings before proceeding with the reset process.

Step 1: Locate the Reset Button

The first step to resetting your TP-Link extender is to locate the reset button. The location of the reset button may vary depending on the model of your TP-Link extender. In most cases, you can find the reset button at the back of the extender.

Step 2: Press and Hold the Reset Button

Once you have located the reset button, use a paper clip or a pin to press and hold the reset button for 10-15 seconds. You will notice that the LED lights on the extender will start flashing. Keep holding the reset button until the LED lights stop flashing.

Read Also: TP-Link AC1750 vs AC1900: Which One is the Best?

Step 3: Connect to the Default Wi-Fi Network

Once the reset process is complete, your TP-Link extender will revert to its default settings. To connect to the default Wi-Fi network, look for the Wi-Fi network named “TP-Link_Extender” on your device’s Wi-Fi list. Connect to this network using the default password “tplinkextender”.

Reconfigure Your Extender
Source: manuals.plus
Connecting to the TP-Link AC1750 Extender
Step 4: Access the Web Management Page

Once you are connected to the default Wi-Fi network, open a web browser and type “http://tplinkrepeater.net” in the address bar. If this doesn’t work, try “”. This will take you to the web management page of your TP-Link extender.

Step 5: Set Up the Extender

On the web management page, you will need to set up your TP-Link extender to connect to your new Wi-Fi network. To do this, click on “Quick Setup” and follow the on-screen instructions. You will need to select your new Wi-Fi network and enter the password.

Read Also: Top 10 TP-Link AC1750 Alternatives: Expanding Your Wi-Fi Choices

Step 6: Save the Settings

Once you have completed the setup process, make sure to save the settings. Click on “Save” or “Apply” to save the changes you have made. Your TP-Link extender will now be connected to your new Wi-Fi network.


Resetting your TP-Link extender to a new Wi-Fi network is a straightforward process. By following the above steps, you can easily reset your TP-Link extender and connect it to a new Wi-Fi network. Just remember to back up your settings before resetting the extender to avoid losing any important data.


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