3 Ways to Pin a Comment on Instagram - Early Finder
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3 Ways to Pin a Comment on Instagram

How to Pin a Comment on Instagram – Learn how to pin a comment on Instagram in this easy step-by-step guide. Discover the benefits of pinning comments and how to use this feature to make your posts stand out from the crowd. Get started now and make your posts more engaging.

Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos, connect with friends and family, and engage with the community. One of the features that Instagram offers is the ability to pin a comment on a post.

Pinning a comment is a great way to highlight a particularly meaningful or important message or question that has been left on a post. It also allows other users to quickly see relevant comments.

In this article, we will go over the steps on how to pin a comment on Instagram and what you should know about this feature.

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What Is a Pinned Comment on Instagram?

Pin a comment on Instagram is a feature that allows users to keep a certain comment at the top of the comments section of a post. This is useful for highlighting important information, answering frequently asked questions, or simply drawing attention to a specific comment.Pin a Comment on Instagram

By pinning a comment, you are demonstrating to your followers that you are actively engaging with them and that you value their input.

Pinned comments also serve as a way to build relationships with your followers by showing them that you are responsive to their feedback and comments. This makes it easy for others to find and see the pinned comments as they stay on the top of the comments section.

The process of pinning a comment is simple, all you have to do is click on the three dots located at the top right corner of the comment you want to pin and select “Pin Comment.”

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Why Pin a Comment on Instagram?

Pinning a comment on Instagram is not just a cosmetic feature, it also has a strategic purpose.

When you pin a comment, it becomes the first comment that people see when they visit your profile, making it an effective way to grab their attention. For example, you can use this feature to pin important information or rules for a contest that you are running, making it easy for people to find the information they need and helping to ensure that everyone interested in entering is aware of the rules.

Pinned comments have several benefits:

  • They will stay at the top of the comments section, making them easy to find.
  • They signal to other users that you want that particular comment to stand out, highlighting it as important or noteworthy.
  • They are also an effective way to show your appreciation for someone’s comment. Overall, Pin a comment on Instagram is a powerful tool to help keep your followers informed and engaged.

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3 Ways to Pin a Comment on Instagram

To pin a comment on Instagram, start by locating the comment that you wish to feature, whether it’s one of your own or someone else’s.

To pin the comment, you need to tap and hold on to the comment until a pin symbol appears in the upper left corner, then tap on it. This will place the comment at the top of the comments section, making it the first thing users see when they scroll through the comments on your post.

The process is the same for both iOS and Android devices.

1. How to Pin a Comment on Instagram using Android

To pin a comment on Instagram using an Android device, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Instagram app.

Step 2: Access your profile by tapping on the profile icon located in the bottom right corner.

Step 3: Select a post that you would like to pin a comment on.

Step 4: Navigate to the comments section of the post.

Step 5: Search for the comment that you want to pin.

Step 6: Long-tap on the comment and from the upper right corner you will see a thumb pin.

Step 7: Select the thumb pin to pin the comment to the top of the comments section.

These simple steps will help you to pin a comment on your Instagram post using an Android device.

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2. How to Pin a Comment on Instagram using iOS

On an iPhone, to pin a comment on Instagram:

Step 1: Open the Instagram app and log in to your account (if necessary).

Step 2: Navigate to your profile.

Step 3: Select a post that has a comment you want to pin.

Step 4: Open the post and find the comment.

Step 5: Swipe left on the comment and select the thumb-pin icon.

Step 6: Tap on the “Pin comment” option.

3. How to Unpin a Comment on an Instagram Post

Steps for Android

  • Open the Instagram app and navigate to your profile by tapping on the profile icon on the bottom right corner.
  • Open a post that has a pinned comment.
  • Tap on the comment icon.
  • The pinned comment will appear at the top.
  • Press and hold on to the pinned comment.
  • Select the thumb-pin icon.
  • Choose the “Unpin” option to remove the comment from the top of the thread.

Steps for iPhone

  • Open the Instagram app.
  • Go to your profile by tapping on the profile icon in the bottom right corner.
  • Choose a post that has a pinned comment.
  • Tap on the comment button below the post.
  • Swipe left on the pinned comment.
  • Select the thumb-pin icon.
  • Choose the “Unpin” option to remove the comment from the top of the thread.

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What to Do if You Cannot Pin a Comment on Instagram

  • Make sure your app is up-to-date by updating it.
  • Close and restart the Instagram app.
  • Clear the cache and data of the app.
  • Ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
  • Only select comments that are not violent or offensive.
  • Ensure that you are following the correct steps for pinning a comment.
  • Check if there are any known server issues with Instagram.
  • If all else fails, you may need to re-install the Instagram app.


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